Welcome to &then&then

March 19, 2011 § Leave a comment

Hello, and welcome to the home of &then&then, a micropress. We have books coming soon.

The first of these will be Ross Brighton’s A Draft from BIRDS, followed by rob mclennan’s lake,, both availible very soon. We will also have a number of signed copies of Ross Brighton’s Temporal Maze Denture, published by rob mclennan’s ABOVE/GROUND Press, which is availible from their website.

I am also working on getting manuscripts from a lot of both emerging and established writers, mostly from New Zealand, and some art books are planned as well.

We are actively seeking funding at the moment, so if you are willing/able/both to support us financially (I[Ross] pay for all of this out of my own pocket) that would be most apreciated – I’m going to set up a donations/sponsorship/subscription system very soon.